Prince of Stride Alternative produced by MADHOUSE and directed by Atsuko Ishizuka, and Taku Kishimoto is handling the series composition, and Kokunen Ou (Hanayamata) is adapting Nono's character designs for animation.
The story revolves around the club "Stride", which closed in Hunan Academy, the student Takeru Fujiwara and student Nana Sakurai of the first year in high school trying to restore the club, but they must include six members to the team, so they ask Rico Aagame to join them but he turns them down saying that Stride is the one thing he doesn't want to do , howeverTakeru and Nana drag Rico to the club room in order to persuade him.
Originally the game revolves around "Stride" which is a sport containing six people for one team who run relay races across towns.